Chantlers Primary School

Welcome to Pathways

Miss C Hall - Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion)

Miss C McGill - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss J Rowbotham - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Pathways is a special resourced provision class within our school for pupils in EYFS or Key
Stage 1 with an Education Health Care Plan with Social, Emotional & Mental Health needs.
It is staffed by a full-time teacher and two HLTA’s and can offer placement for up to 12 pupils
at any time.
The class is an integral part of the school and our pupils join mainstream activities as part of
their daily routines and transition programmes. The curriculum is based on the Statutory
Framework for Early Years and Key Stage 1 National Curriculum and is adapted according
to each pupil’s stage of development. There is a strong focus on Nurture and therapeutic
approaches throughout all lessons and activities.


Admission to our Resource Provision is through Bury Council who will forward applications
that are for children with SEMH needs. Each application will be reviewed by our SENCO to
ensure we are able to meet the child’s needs. If it is considered at this stage, that our
provision would be a suitable option, a home visit will be arranged so staff can meet the child
in their own environment. Following this visit a final decision will be made and confirmed with
the local authority.